Friday, August 7, 2009

Oha Prem Piri ... ਓਹਾ ਪ੍ਰੇਮ ਪਿਰੀ

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Page 406

Shabad Video:

Shabad Audio: Oha Prem Piri

Shabad Interpretation in English:

I seek the Love of my Beloved. Gold, jewels, giant pearls and rubies – I have no need for them. Imperial power, fortunes, royal command and mansions- I have no desire for these. The Sanctuary of the Lord’s Feet, and dedication to the Saints-these bring me peace and pleasure. O Nanak, my burning fire has been put out, obtaining the Love of the Beloved.

Shabad Interpretation in Punjabi:

Shabad Interpretation in Hindi:

हे भाई, मुझे तो अपने प्यारे प्रभु का प्रेम ही चाहिए. कञ्चन, हीरे-जवाहरात, बढे-बढे मोती मेरी  नज़र मे कुछ नहीं हैं. मुझे न तो किसी राज-भाग की इच्छा हे और न ही कोई सुख-साधनों की चाहत हे. मुझे तो संत-जनों के चरणों में और उन की सांगत में ही अनंत सुख का अनुभव होता हे. हे नानक, अगर प्रभु का प्रेम मिल जाए तो मन तृप्ति हो जाता  हे.


  1. Sat Sri Akal ji
    I do not have enough worlds to Thank you Gurmat gian Group for spreading the love of Guru's bani in sweet melodious voice for Sangat to enjoy. I thank you from deep in my heart and wish you WaheGuru's blessings to keep on spreading the love and understanding of AkalPurakh to every one.

    Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Feteh

  2. I really like this Shabad... their voice is so good and nice... thank you!

  3. Sat Sri Akal,
    Thank you for spreading Guru Nanak's message. You have sung the Gurbani beautifully. Please keep continuing spreading Gurbani love.
